ISO 7379 Shoulder screws with collar

Grade 12.9 ISO 7379 Shoulder screws with collar,shoulder bolts,stripper bolts

Grade 12.9 ISO 7379 Shoulder screws with collar,shoulder bolts,stripper bolts

Material:Steel or stainless steel


- ISO 7379: black-oxide steel class 12.9 (tensile strength 1200 N/mm2 ). 

Polished d1 diameter surface. 

- ISO 7379-NI: AISI 304 stainless steel. 

Polished d1 diameter surface. 


ISO 7379 shoulder screws with collar maximum tightening torque must not be defined by the steel class resistance, since it is limited by the relatively small bearing points (shoulders) and by the recesses at the transition point from diameter d1 to d2 and d3. ISO standard deviations: the official ISO standard sheet has the following dimensions for d2 - d1 M5-6,5 / M10-13 / M20-25.


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