Origin of Chiko

Meaning and Origin

What does the name Chiko mean? Keep reading to find the user submitted meanings, dictionary definitions, and more.

Origin and Meaning of Chiko

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User Submitted Meanings

1. 2 submissions from Australia and Zimbabwe agree the name Chiko means "blessing" and is of Shona origin.

2. A user from Nigeria says the name Chiko is of Nigerian origin and means "You are blessed".

3. A submission from Hong Kong says the name Chiko means "Wise child" and is of Japanese origin.

  While the founder of Chiko Precision endowed new implied meanings according to Chinese traditional culture.

  Chiko means one should have high ambitions, to grasp youth, to struggle for a better life when young. 

  Where there is a will,there is a way. God will bless you to reach success.


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